Ogmento interviewed for Wired.com AR Feature

27 08 2009

Wired.com has a feature story overview of the AR space, which includes some quotes and insights by Ogmento’s Brian Selzer and Brad Foxhoven.

Here is a snippit –

“We’re doing as much as we can with the current technology,” Selzer said regarding the overall augmented-reality developer community. “This industry is just getting started, and as processing speeds speed up, and as more creative individuals get involved, our belief is this is going to become a platform that becomes massively adopted and immersed in the next few years.”

To read the entire article, check it out here – “If You’re Not Seeing Data, You’re Not Seeing”

Wired.com on Ogmento / AR Jargon

23 08 2009

Bruce Sterling continues his blog coverage of AR on Wired.com with a headline titled, “Augmented Reality: Ogmento.” Here is a snippet –

*Ogmento’s into mobile gaming.

*A lot of tech nitty-gritty here. I love the part where they just can’t help themselves, and start breaking into some brand-new Augmented Reality trade jargon. Listen to this:

“Tish: It seems at the moment the two main forms of AR are mainly tethered or marker experiences or kind of stepping stone apps like Wikitude and Layar that are markerless but mainly pull info from web to world rather than truly aligning graphics in a tight relationship to the “real” world.

(((I can guarantee you that this sentence makes perfect sense, although nobody but AR geeks ever uses terms like “tethered or marker experiences” or, better yet, “pulling info from web to world,” a truly beautiful coinage which has almost an air of sensuality to it.)))

Enjoy the rest of the blog post here, while we get to work on that first augmentation experience for a Chihuahua.

Augmented Reality: Ogmento

Bruce Sterling on Dawn of AR Industry

21 08 2009

We are delighted to have cyberpunk guru Bruce Sterling championing the dawn of the AR industry. This is a must-watch and very insightful keynote given last week in Amsterdam.

Bruce proclaims, “I love your industry; it’s a techno-visionaries dream come true… it’s super-cyberpunk!” He calls AR kind of a “Hollywood scene”… a glamorous industry that will shape fashion, trends, and more. After touting his love for the burgeoning industry Bruce gets serious and covers the hype, the pitfalls and more.

Congrats to Layar and all the other AR companies making major strides these past few months. We are just getting started!

WATCH: At the Dawn of the Augmented Reality Industry

Ogmento gets a brief mention too! Sweet!

UgoTrade Interviews AR Consortium Chairman, Robert Rice

6 08 2009

Tish Shute, Founder of UgoTrade continues her series of talks with key players in the augmented reality industry. Round two features an in-depth interview with Robert Rice, CEO of Neogence and Chairman of the AR Consortium.

Trish asked Robert, “What are the key take-aways for investors interested in the augmented reality field at the moment:

“First, Mobile AR is going to be bigger than the web. Second, it is going to affect nearly every industry and aspect of life. Third, the emerging sector needs aggressive investment with long term returns. Get rich quick start ups in this space will blow through money and ultimately fail. We need smart VCs to jump in now and do it right. Fourth, AR has the potential to create a few hundred thousand jobs and entirely new professions. You want to kick start the economy or relive the golden days of 1990s innovation? Mobile AR is it.

Don’t be misguided by the gimmicky marketing applications now. Look ahead, and pay attention to what the visionaries are talking about right now. Find the right idea, help build the team, fund them, and then sit back and watch the world change. Also, AR has long term implications for smart cities, green tech, education, entertainment, and global industry. This is serious business, but it has to be done right. I’m more than happy to talk to any venture capitalist, angel investor, or company executive that wants to get a handle on what is out there, what is coming, and what the potential is. Understanding these is the first step to leveraging them for a competitive edge and building a new industry. Lastly, AR is not the same as last decade’s VR.”

For much more, check out – Augmented Reality – Bigger than the Web: Second Interview with Robert Rice from Neogence Enterprises

UgoTrade Interviews Ogmento Co-Founder, Ori Inbar

28 07 2009

Tish Shute, Founder of UgoTrade is kicking off what will be a series of talks with key players in the rapidly emerging augmented reality industry with an interview with Ori Inbar, co-founder of Ogmento.

This is the first of serveral planned detailed and comprehensive interviews on the state of play for augmented reality.

Check it out here – Augmented Reality’s Growth is Exponential: Ogmento – “Reality Reinvented,” talking with Ori Inbar

New York Times Interview

12 07 2009

Ori Inbar was recently interviewed for the New York Times about (what else?) augmented reality.


Ogmento Joins AR Consortium

10 07 2009

Raleigh, NC (7/7/2009) – Eight pioneering augmented reality companies have joined together to form the Augmented Reality (AR) Consortium, an international group focused on developing tools, technology, applications, and content for AR. The founding companies are all high-profile innovators in the field of AR and hope that their combined efforts will result in greater cooperation between members, faster market penetration, robust technical standards, and a strong focus on the end-user’s experience.

“Augmented Reality is the blend between the real and the virtual. The transformational power of AR is great enough to change the way we work, play, communicate, interact, and experience media,” said AR Consortium Chairman Robert Rice, who is also the CEO of Neogence Enterprises. “Some of the core technologies have been in development for more than a decade, but a new convergence of powerful mobile devices, recognition and tracking algorithms, and an enormous amount of geolocative information open the door to widespread use. We recognized the need for early innovators and entrepreneurs to work together to step through that door.”

Augmented Reality is identified as one of the top ten most disruptive new technologies for 2008-2012 by Gartner Research and is expected to be used by more than 30% of the mobile workforce by 2014. Gartner defines disruptive technology as one that causes a major change in the “accepted way of doing things,” including business models, processes, revenue streams, industry dynamics, and consumer behavior.

“We are excited about the open forum the Consortium provides to discuss emerging markets, standards and protocols, and a collaborative industry roadmap,” said Ori Inbar, CEO of Ogmento and President of the Consortium. “This is a unique opportunity to share ideas with other world leaders and pioneers at the earliest stage of what promises to be a digital renaissance.”

Augmented Reality, especially when combined with mobile devices and smart phones, has applications in nearly every industry and can revolutionize advertising, entertainment, education, military and emergency services, architecture, medicine, manufacturing, business, conferencing, navigation, and tourism.


Augmented Reality blends interactive media with the real world in a contextual and localized format. AR is unique compared to other technologies as it represents a convergence of ubiquitous computing, semantic and meta-data, mobile computing, contextual media, and locative or geospatial content.

This represents a true paradigm shift in media on the same level as the introduction of print, radio, television, and the internet itself. It has the potential to fundamentally change the way people interact with computers, the world around us, and each other.

The current most common implementations of Augmented Reality use printed patterns or markers and streaming video from a webcam to create interactive 3D media overlays that appear to exist in the real world. Many companies are beginning to embrace AR as a new advertising and marketing channel.


The AR Consortium was founded in June 2009 to facilitate the development and advancement of augmented reality technologies for the global market. Founding members of the Consortium include Int13, Metaio, Mobilizy, Neogence Enterprises, Ogmento, SPRX Mobile, Tonchidot, and Total Immersion.


Ogmento News

3 07 2009

Ogmento in Venture Beat today:

Augmented reality startups petition Apple for live video interface

Startups looking to make money by enhanging reality