Ogmento featured in this months Inc. Magazine

7 04 2010

This month, Ogmento is featured in Inc. Magazine. In the article entitled “How to Create Your Own Augmented Reality,” our project with Penguin Books is highlighted. Pick up your copy today, or check it out online.

Ogmento Presents at KidScreen Summit in NYC (Feb 12)

8 02 2010
This coming Friday, Ori Inbar, Co-Founder of Ogmento will speak at Tech Talk – a panel of industry innovators at the KidScreen Summit in New York City.
KidScreen is the kids entertainment industry’s most important annual event, with top decision- and deal makers – in kids business.
Tech Talk is a four-pack of quickie presentations designed to give you a snapshot of some cool new technology applications that could innovate your kids business. Even the market’s early adopters haven’t seen this stuff, so get ahead of the curve and find out what fun could look like in the future.
February 12, 2010 – 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM
The session will be moderated by Gavin McGarry (President Jumpwire Media) and will feature:
  • Greg Davis – General Manager, US – Total Immersion
  • Jonathan Glick – Managing Member – Virtual Experience-Glick Group
  • Ori Inbar – CEO and Co-Founder – Ogmento
  • Alexander Lentjes – Producer – 3-D Revolution Productions

Join us at the summit to see Ori deliver his flagship intro to Ogmento and a live demo of “Put a Spell: Learn to Spell with Augmented Reality” – an iPhone game for pre-school kids played away from a computer screen – with real cards.

To schedule a meeting – contact us at ori [at] ogmento [dot]com.

Ogmento at Web2.0 Expo (Video)

18 01 2010

Recently, at the Augmented Reality Panel at Web 2.0 Expo in NYC (organized by John Havens – SVP Social Media at Porter Novelli) Ori gave an intro to Ogmento. To make it interesting, he self imposed a challenge: tell his story in 100 slides under 5 minutes…Watch the video to see how well he succeeded. Don’t miss the demos toward the end.

Ogmento’s iPhone Within an iPhone

23 12 2009

Ogmento’s promotional iPhone demo, developed for Orange Telecom, is receiving a lot of buzz today, as the video was picked up by popular blogs such as Mashable, Gizmodo, Engadget, etc.

Here are a few of the fun reports coming out…

Mashable – Your Head Explodes: iPhone in an iPhoneWe’ve seen all sorts of augmented realityapplications for mobile devices, with varying degrees of usability, but this one, created for Orange Telecom, definitely takes the cake when it comes to originality and craziness.

Engadget – iPhone in IPhone app is useless, but mesmerizingThat extra layer of interactivity makes the video a lot more fascinating than it has any right to be.

Gizmodo – Open Apps On a Virtual iPhone, Thanks to Augmented RealityThis Orange 3D app has wowed me hard.

More to be discovered online and on Twitter. Thank you for the coverage everybody! More mind-bending mobile AR is on it’s way!

ARNY: Augmented Reality New York Meetup Group

25 11 2009

Ori Inbar has organized a meet-up group for Augmented Realith enthusiasts living in New York. The first monthly get-together is scheduled for Decemeber 15th, 2009 at a location to be determined.

The time has never been better to form such a group. As Ori states on the Meetup.com website…

“Augmented Reality (AR) will one day change the way we interact with the world. AR technology has come a long way and is now ready for the market. It is now up to you – developers, designers, entrepreneurs, scientists, educators, investors, artists, marketers, hackers, journalists, and more – to bring the augmented reality experience to consumers in a fun, productive – and lucrative way. New York City has all the ingredients to be the center of the augmented world. Let’s not wait; let’s meet up and make it happen Today!”

The meetup format is – 5 speakers, 5 AR demos, 5 minutes each + Q&A + Networking.

For more information, or if you wish to present… SIGN UP for ARNY here.

Brand-E interviews Ogmento on Mobile AR

25 11 2009

Brand-E.biz recently reached out to Ogmento for insight into how Mobile Augmented Reality will change the world of Branded entertainment and marketing.

Here is an excerpt:

There are a raft of things that mobile users will be able to do with AR, like peeking at the world through their smartphone camera and getting added data relevant to whatever they’re seeing, something Brian Selzer, co-founder of mobile AR outfit Ogmento, calls Terminator Vision (after the Arnie film, of course).

“The data a user sees over the person, place or thing they are looking at can be a text overlay, an RSS feed, a video [or] a holographic-like animation,” explains Selzer. “From a marketing standpoint, the actual product or packaging, a retail store, posters, clothing… whatever you can think of, become triggers for marketing. If I am looking at a cereal box at my local market, I might see a commercial for that product, or find out more about the ingredients and how it was made. Or perhaps unlock a special coupon right there on the spot.”

Read the entire article here – Augmenting the Power of Mobile

Ori Inbar Speaking on AR Panel at Web2Open

18 11 2009

Ori Inbar is speaking on an Augmented Reality panel at Web 2Open, which is part of the Web 2.0 Expo happening in New York City. The panel takes place Wednesday, November 18th 2009, with an introduction to AR, as well as a deeper look into the implications and future of AR.

The Panel:

Robert Rice: CEO of Neogence, Chairman of the Augmented Reality Consortium
Ori Inbar: Co-founder of Ogmento
Jack Mason: Global Business Services, Strategic Programs and Social Media at IBM
Lynne d Johnson: SVP Social Media at the Advertising Research Foundation and host of the NYC Android Developer’s Meetup
Erik Manley: Manager, Digital Media at GE
Michael Eisenreich: Technology Leader for GE’s company-wide Internet presence
Matt Szymczyk: CEO of Zugara
Marco Neumann: CEO and Founder of KONA, Lead Organizer for New York Semantic Web Meetup Group

Inc.com – Ogmento on Mobile AR

5 11 2009

Inc.com has just posted an article on Augmented Reality in their Entrepreneureal section. Co-Founder, Brian Selzer was interviewed, and managed to get a plug in for “Put A Spell.” We wish to thank J.J. McCorvey for reaching out to us, and exposing more people (i.e. potential VC’s) to the magic of mobile AR.

Here’s an excerpt:

“We have very grandiose plans about what we’re doing,” says Brian Selzer, co-founder of the company, which has offices in New York and Los Angeles. “A lot of people are seeing AR as somewhat of a gimmick. We’re here to educate and say, ‘No, there’s a much bigger picture here.”‘

For Ogmento, the big picture includes endless advertising opportunities, such as virtual characters from new movies that play out scenes in the actual world, Selzer says. The company, in partnership with developers Arballoon, is currently readying the release of Put A Spell, an iPhone app that features a 3-D panda that teaches kids spelling and phonetics.

Check it out for yourself – “Virtual Has Become Reality for Phone Apps

Ogmento Official Partner at ISMAR09

14 10 2009

Ogmento is pleased to be an official partner of ISMAR09, being held in Orlando Florida on October 19th-22nd. Co-Founders Ori Inbar and Brian Selzer will be speaking and conducting workshops at the event.

Ori Inbar will be conducting a workshop entitled “Mobile Magic Wand: Augmented Reality on Mobile Phones and Internet Devices

Brian Selzer will be speaking on a panel entitled “Augmented Realithy in Sports, Entertainment and Advertising”

ISMAR (International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality) is the premier international meeting place for the Mixed and Augmented Reality research community. Each year carefully peer-reviewed conference papers disclose for the first time with others in the scientific community the latest developments in the field. ISMAR is held in North America, Asia and Europe on a rotating basis.

UgoTrade.com Interviews Brian Selzer, Ogmento

31 08 2009

Tish Shute, Founder of UgoTrade continues her series of Augmented Reality talks with Brian Selzer, Co-Founder of Ogmento

Here is an excerpt:

Brian Selzer: Hollywood creatives caught the AR bug before they knew what AR was. Look at science fiction movies and video games to see AR everywhere. Terminator, The Matrix, Minority Report, Iron Man.. the list goes on. Look at any video game with an integrated heads-up display. It’s clear Hollywood loves AR. It’s only been in the past few months though that the light bulb has been lit and Hollywood is seeing that the software and hardware are here today to deliver these types of AR experiences in real life (to a lesser extent of course, but the path is getting clear). So yes, the buzz is here and it’s strong. With that, we all have to be prepared for the good, the bad and the ugly as AR goes mainstream.

It certainly goes to show how young this industry is when Ogmento and Total Immersion are currently the only AR companies based in Los Angeles. It’s very exciting to be the only company right now demonstrating a natural feature tracking (markerless) iPhone experience in Hollywood. We are in talks to bring some very big brand and properties to the mobile AR space. The goal is to deliver experiences that create added engagement and value to the consumer.

For much more, check out – Games, Goggles, and Going Hollywood…How AR is Changing the Entertainment Landscape: Talking with Brian Selzer, Ogmento