Ogmento Presents at KidScreen Summit in NYC (Feb 12)

8 02 2010
This coming Friday, Ori Inbar, Co-Founder of Ogmento will speak at Tech Talk – a panel of industry innovators at the KidScreen Summit in New York City.
KidScreen is the kids entertainment industry’s most important annual event, with top decision- and deal makers – in kids business.
Tech Talk is a four-pack of quickie presentations designed to give you a snapshot of some cool new technology applications that could innovate your kids business. Even the market’s early adopters haven’t seen this stuff, so get ahead of the curve and find out what fun could look like in the future.
February 12, 2010 – 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM
The session will be moderated by Gavin McGarry (President Jumpwire Media) and will feature:
  • Greg Davis – General Manager, US – Total Immersion
  • Jonathan Glick – Managing Member – Virtual Experience-Glick Group
  • Ori Inbar – CEO and Co-Founder – Ogmento
  • Alexander Lentjes – Producer – 3-D Revolution Productions

Join us at the summit to see Ori deliver his flagship intro to Ogmento and a live demo of “Put a Spell: Learn to Spell with Augmented Reality” – an iPhone game for pre-school kids played away from a computer screen – with real cards.

To schedule a meeting – contact us at ori [at] ogmento [dot]com.

Ogmento at Web2.0 Expo (Video)

18 01 2010

Recently, at the Augmented Reality Panel at Web 2.0 Expo in NYC (organized by John Havens – SVP Social Media at Porter Novelli) Ori gave an intro to Ogmento. To make it interesting, he self imposed a challenge: tell his story in 100 slides under 5 minutes…Watch the video to see how well he succeeded. Don’t miss the demos toward the end.

Brand-E interviews Ogmento on Mobile AR

25 11 2009

Brand-E.biz recently reached out to Ogmento for insight into how Mobile Augmented Reality will change the world of Branded entertainment and marketing.

Here is an excerpt:

There are a raft of things that mobile users will be able to do with AR, like peeking at the world through their smartphone camera and getting added data relevant to whatever they’re seeing, something Brian Selzer, co-founder of mobile AR outfit Ogmento, calls Terminator Vision (after the Arnie film, of course).

“The data a user sees over the person, place or thing they are looking at can be a text overlay, an RSS feed, a video [or] a holographic-like animation,” explains Selzer. “From a marketing standpoint, the actual product or packaging, a retail store, posters, clothing… whatever you can think of, become triggers for marketing. If I am looking at a cereal box at my local market, I might see a commercial for that product, or find out more about the ingredients and how it was made. Or perhaps unlock a special coupon right there on the spot.”

Read the entire article here – Augmenting the Power of Mobile

Inc.com – Ogmento on Mobile AR

5 11 2009

Inc.com has just posted an article on Augmented Reality in their Entrepreneureal section. Co-Founder, Brian Selzer was interviewed, and managed to get a plug in for “Put A Spell.” We wish to thank J.J. McCorvey for reaching out to us, and exposing more people (i.e. potential VC’s) to the magic of mobile AR.

Here’s an excerpt:

“We have very grandiose plans about what we’re doing,” says Brian Selzer, co-founder of the company, which has offices in New York and Los Angeles. “A lot of people are seeing AR as somewhat of a gimmick. We’re here to educate and say, ‘No, there’s a much bigger picture here.”‘

For Ogmento, the big picture includes endless advertising opportunities, such as virtual characters from new movies that play out scenes in the actual world, Selzer says. The company, in partnership with developers Arballoon, is currently readying the release of Put A Spell, an iPhone app that features a 3-D panda that teaches kids spelling and phonetics.

Check it out for yourself – “Virtual Has Become Reality for Phone Apps