ARNY: Augmented Reality New York Meetup Group

25 11 2009

Ori Inbar has organized a meet-up group for Augmented Realith enthusiasts living in New York. The first monthly get-together is scheduled for Decemeber 15th, 2009 at a location to be determined.

The time has never been better to form such a group. As Ori states on the website…

“Augmented Reality (AR) will one day change the way we interact with the world. AR technology has come a long way and is now ready for the market. It is now up to you – developers, designers, entrepreneurs, scientists, educators, investors, artists, marketers, hackers, journalists, and more – to bring the augmented reality experience to consumers in a fun, productive – and lucrative way. New York City has all the ingredients to be the center of the augmented world. Let’s not wait; let’s meet up and make it happen Today!”

The meetup format is – 5 speakers, 5 AR demos, 5 minutes each + Q&A + Networking.

For more information, or if you wish to present… SIGN UP for ARNY here. on Ogmento / AR Jargon

23 08 2009

Bruce Sterling continues his blog coverage of AR on with a headline titled, “Augmented Reality: Ogmento.” Here is a snippet –

*Ogmento’s into mobile gaming.

*A lot of tech nitty-gritty here. I love the part where they just can’t help themselves, and start breaking into some brand-new Augmented Reality trade jargon. Listen to this:

“Tish: It seems at the moment the two main forms of AR are mainly tethered or marker experiences or kind of stepping stone apps like Wikitude and Layar that are markerless but mainly pull info from web to world rather than truly aligning graphics in a tight relationship to the “real” world.

(((I can guarantee you that this sentence makes perfect sense, although nobody but AR geeks ever uses terms like “tethered or marker experiences” or, better yet, “pulling info from web to world,” a truly beautiful coinage which has almost an air of sensuality to it.)))

Enjoy the rest of the blog post here, while we get to work on that first augmentation experience for a Chihuahua.

Augmented Reality: Ogmento

Bruce Sterling on Dawn of AR Industry

21 08 2009

We are delighted to have cyberpunk guru Bruce Sterling championing the dawn of the AR industry. This is a must-watch and very insightful keynote given last week in Amsterdam.

Bruce proclaims, “I love your industry; it’s a techno-visionaries dream come true… it’s super-cyberpunk!” He calls AR kind of a “Hollywood scene”… a glamorous industry that will shape fashion, trends, and more. After touting his love for the burgeoning industry Bruce gets serious and covers the hype, the pitfalls and more.

Congrats to Layar and all the other AR companies making major strides these past few months. We are just getting started!

WATCH: At the Dawn of the Augmented Reality Industry

Ogmento gets a brief mention too! Sweet!