Brand-E interviews Ogmento on Mobile AR

25 11 2009 recently reached out to Ogmento for insight into how Mobile Augmented Reality will change the world of Branded entertainment and marketing.

Here is an excerpt:

There are a raft of things that mobile users will be able to do with AR, like peeking at the world through their smartphone camera and getting added data relevant to whatever they’re seeing, something Brian Selzer, co-founder of mobile AR outfit Ogmento, calls Terminator Vision (after the Arnie film, of course).

“The data a user sees over the person, place or thing they are looking at can be a text overlay, an RSS feed, a video [or] a holographic-like animation,” explains Selzer. “From a marketing standpoint, the actual product or packaging, a retail store, posters, clothing… whatever you can think of, become triggers for marketing. If I am looking at a cereal box at my local market, I might see a commercial for that product, or find out more about the ingredients and how it was made. Or perhaps unlock a special coupon right there on the spot.”

Read the entire article here – Augmenting the Power of Mobile



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