ARNY: Augmented Reality New York Meetup Group

25 11 2009

Ori Inbar has organized a meet-up group for Augmented Realith enthusiasts living in New York. The first monthly get-together is scheduled for Decemeber 15th, 2009 at a location to be determined.

The time has never been better to form such a group. As Ori states on the website…

“Augmented Reality (AR) will one day change the way we interact with the world. AR technology has come a long way and is now ready for the market. It is now up to you – developers, designers, entrepreneurs, scientists, educators, investors, artists, marketers, hackers, journalists, and more – to bring the augmented reality experience to consumers in a fun, productive – and lucrative way. New York City has all the ingredients to be the center of the augmented world. Let’s not wait; let’s meet up and make it happen Today!”

The meetup format is – 5 speakers, 5 AR demos, 5 minutes each + Q&A + Networking.

For more information, or if you wish to present… SIGN UP for ARNY here.



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