Ori Inbar Speaking on AR Panel at Web2Open

18 11 2009

Ori Inbar is speaking on an Augmented Reality panel at Web 2Open, which is part of the Web 2.0 Expo happening in New York City. The panel takes place Wednesday, November 18th 2009, with an introduction to AR, as well as a deeper look into the implications and future of AR.

The Panel:

Robert Rice: CEO of Neogence, Chairman of the Augmented Reality Consortium
Ori Inbar: Co-founder of Ogmento
Jack Mason: Global Business Services, Strategic Programs and Social Media at IBM
Lynne d Johnson: SVP Social Media at the Advertising Research Foundation and host of the NYC Android Developer’s Meetup
Erik Manley: Manager, Digital Media at GE
Michael Eisenreich: Technology Leader for GE’s company-wide Internet presence
Matt Szymczyk: CEO of Zugara
Marco Neumann: CEO and Founder of KONA, Lead Organizer for New York Semantic Web Meetup Group



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