Wired.com on Ogmento / AR Jargon

23 08 2009

Bruce Sterling continues his blog coverage of AR on Wired.com with a headline titled, “Augmented Reality: Ogmento.” Here is a snippet –

*Ogmento’s into mobile gaming.

*A lot of tech nitty-gritty here. I love the part where they just can’t help themselves, and start breaking into some brand-new Augmented Reality trade jargon. Listen to this:

“Tish: It seems at the moment the two main forms of AR are mainly tethered or marker experiences or kind of stepping stone apps like Wikitude and Layar that are markerless but mainly pull info from web to world rather than truly aligning graphics in a tight relationship to the “real” world.

(((I can guarantee you that this sentence makes perfect sense, although nobody but AR geeks ever uses terms like “tethered or marker experiences” or, better yet, “pulling info from web to world,” a truly beautiful coinage which has almost an air of sensuality to it.)))

Enjoy the rest of the blog post here, while we get to work on that first augmentation experience for a Chihuahua.

Augmented Reality: Ogmento



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